
  • Roman Mykolaichuk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University



Kazakhstan, socio-economic development, natural resources, economy, management


The article reveals that the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan is characterized by growth at the expense of increasing the growth and positive balance of migration. For this country characteristic features are the aging of the nation, the prevalence of the female population, and especially in the middle and older age categories. It is noted that Kazakhstan’s minerals are among the richest in the continent and in the world. There are large quantities of both fuel and ore minerals, in particular: oil, gas, coal, iron, manganese and uranium ore. There are also significant deposits of non-ore minerals. But despite resource availability, climatic conditions are not favorable for their development in most of the hard-to-reach resources, which significantly increases the price of raw materials. Also, the climate does not allow to sufficiently develop agriculture, which, due to insufficient irrigation, has led to more intensive livestock development. Kazakhstan belongs to the countries with a transit economy and is an industrial-agrarian state. It owns an economy, the main feature of which is the dynamic development of basic socioeconomic indicators. However, there is a significant dependence of these indicators on oil and raw material prices, as well as on the economic situation of major trading partners. The economy of Kazakhstan is represented by a large number of branches, but not all of them are sufficiently developed in particular in the manufacturing industry. Extractive industries dominate the structure of exports of industrial goods. There is a problem with an insufficient number of investments in the economy, in particular, in the manufacturing industry and agriculture. Significant dependence of crop production on natural conditions. A characteristic feature of agriculture is the prevalence of livestock breeding but in the main it is extensive. There is also a steady increase in the share of services in the structure of the economy. The economy of Kazakhstan, despite a number of problems that arose after the collapse of the USSR due to the wrong transition to a market economy, which include: currency depreciation, ineffective privatization, decline in production, decline in entire sectors, and insufficient financial resources. However, at the present stage, a complex of reforms has led to the country’s economic collapse and contributes to the further growth of both the economy and the quality of life of the population.


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