


Ключові слова:

державна політика України, закордонні українці, світова українська спільнота, «Закордонне українство», культурна та освітня співпраця, імідж України, програми, структури


The article examines Ukraine’s state policy towards Ukrainians abroad, which is based on recognizing them as an integral part of the global Ukrai- nian community. This policy is implemented in accordance with the Con- stitution of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine «On the Legal Status of Foreign Ukrainians,» and other legal acts, considering international legislation and bilateral agreements. The main directions of the policy include supporting ethnic identity, developing connections with Ukrainians abroad, protec- ting their rights, and leveraging their intellectual potential to strengthen Ukraine’s international image. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and other state bodies play a central role in the implementation of this policy, coordinating efforts with the Ukrainian diaspora at various levels. Key documents include the National Program «Ukrainians Abroad» (until 2005), the State Program of Cooperation with Foreign Ukrainians (until 2010), and the National Concept of Cooperation with Foreign Ukrainians (2006). The article highlights that significant attention in these programs is given to the development of cultural and educational cooperation, as well as support for Ukrainian communities and educational institutions abroad. It is noted that the cooperation programs and initiatives between the Ukrainian diaspora and the government of Ukraine play a crucial role in strengthening ties between Ukraine and its citizens abroad. These ini- tiatives cover a wide range of areas, including cultural support, educatio- nal projects, economic cooperation, and political measures. An important component is the patriotic education of diaspora youth, the preservation of national identity, and the support of Ukrainian educational institutions abroad. Additionally, economic forums and business projects have been in- troduced to attract investments and support the development of Ukraine’s economy. Considerable attention is also given to the international recog- nition of the Holodomor of 1932–1933 as a genocide of the Ukrainian people. The government of Ukraine continues to view cooperation with the diaspora as an essential component of its domestic and foreign policy, which aligns with national interests and contributes to strengthening the country’s international image.


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