


популізм, популістські слогани, політична система, ірраціональні цінності


Political presented populist democracy, including calls for greater participation for reform, including through a popular referendum; populism of politicians, appointed not by ideological appeals to "people" with the requirement to build a unified coalition; reactionary populism - calls for fundamental changes that often find support instead of resistance and misunderstandings in their implementation.Populism is most common among segments with low political and legal culture in conditions not yet strong structures of democracy. The inability of the masses to distinguish realistic proposals from demagogy , black and white vision of the world , the willingness next idol and hated by his rivals - all symptoms of low political culture actively used by populist leaders to mobilize public support.       By the way, winning populists prioritize the destruction of institutions, as it is tactically correct to achieve a goal when no deterrent system works. In the second place is the violation or restriction of human rights, because the purpose justifies the means. Anti-populism develops and cultivates elitism (qualified, responsible), pluralism, because it hats its opponents effectively in the populist coordinate system, diversity and tolerance, liberalism, public participation and responsibility (service and public good).       Incidentally, the mobilization of those who have never gone to the polls, participated in decision-making and politics, is a nuclear electorate for true populist players (Brexit). Therefore, public participation and inclusion are good against the poison from populism.       In general, neo-populism, as a global phenomenon, is an antiglobalist trend that is triumphant globally on many continents (such a rattling tautology). You are challenging the world, the rules, the world order, you are not very concerned about climate problems, the prospects of new world economic crises, migration and its causes, because you are in your hut where you can play comfortably in the mood of your own people. All the similarities with our realities are accidental, because this pattern has become typical of many left / right / populist centrists. To move from the opposite: to build strong institutions, to provide quality education and to form the middle class, to support the intellectual elite, to ensure citizen participation in political processes, to preserve balanced media and to increase their weight.


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